Go watch whales and
dolphins in the Bohol Sea with the locals of Pamilacan. Ex-whale-hunting boats
called canter have been refitted specifically for a safe and comfortable trip.
The boats, measuring 15 to 20 meters in length, can accommodate up to seven
passengers. Each of these crafts is furnished with seats and roofing, and
equipped with life vests. You will be accompanied by skilled spotters whose
familiarity with the area also makes them excellent guides. The best season is
the months from March to June, but resident dolphins and small whales can be
found all year round. Tours are dependent on weather and sea conditions.
Tour Essentials
Wear light clothing preferably
with a bathing suit underneath, soft-soled flat shoes or slippers,
sunglasses, sun hat and sun jacket. Expect a rough ride and expect to
get wet! So bring extra clothes, a towel and take motion sickness pills.
Other important things to bring include binoculars, video and still camera,
skin lotion, snorkeling equipment.
Packages and Rates:
Dolphin and Whale Watching Tour
(Whole Day Tour with Lunch)
Time |
Activity |
05:30 |
Pick up at the hotel |
06:00 |
Departure from Baclayon Pier |
07:00 |
Arrive at the playground of whales and dolphins.
Search for and watching of whales and dolphins |
10:00 |
Proceed to Pamilacan Island |
11:00 |
Arrive at the island and do the village tour |
12:00 |
Enjoy your lunch on the beach |
01:00 |
Swimming and snorkeling |
02:00 |
Travel back to Baclayon Pier |
04:00 |
Arrive at the hotel |
Trip Inclusions:
- Round Trip Air-con Land Transfers
- Round Trip Boat Transfers
- Spotters Fee
- Lunch at the Beach
- Local Guide
- Dolphin and Whale Watching
- Swimming on the powdery white sand beach
- Snorkeling in the lush coral gardens (bring your own mask and fins)
Dolphin and Whale Watching Tour and Island Hoping to Balicasag Island
(Whole Day Tour with Lunch)
Time |
Activity |
05:30 |
Pick up at the hotel |
06:00 |
Departure from Baclayon Pier |
07:00 |
Arrive at the playground of whales and dolphins.
Search for and watching of whales and dolphins |
10:00 |
Proceed to Pamilacan Island |
11:00 |
Arrive at the island and do the village tour |
12:00 |
Enjoy your lunch at the beach |
01:00 |
Travel to Balicasag Island |
02:30 |
Swimming and Snorkeling in the lush coral garden |
03:30 |
Travel to Alona Beach |
04:00 |
Arrive at Alona Beach |
04:00 |
Arrive at the Hotel |
Trip Inclusions:
- Round Trip Air-con Land Transfers
- Round Trip Boat Transfers
- Spotters Fee
- Lunch at the Beach
- Local Guide
- Dolphin and Whale Watching
- Swimming on the powdery white sand beach
- Snorkeling in the lush coral gardens (bring your own mask and fins)
Bohol Countryside Tour
(Whole Day with Lunch)
Tour Itinerary
Blood Compact Site
(Tagbilaran City) – View the spot where the Spaniards and the Filipinos fostered
friendly relations through blood. This is considered as the first Seed of the
United Nations and first Treaty of Friendship between the Malay and the
Caucasian races.
Baclayon Church
(Baclayon) – Behold an old stone church along with its religious relics
dating back to the early 16th
century inside
the museum. It is considered as one of the oldest stone churches in the
Loay Backyard Industry
(Loay) – Observe the local pandays (craftsmen) as they make bolos (machetes) and
other metal crafts. Witness also as the men and women make the Nipa
leaves into roofing materials.
Clarin Ancestral House
(Loay) – Visit a typical Boholano home which was declared by the
National Historical Institute as a heritage site. View the collections
of the Clarin Family displayed inside the house.
(Loboc) – See the smallest (primate) monkey in the world along the forests of the Loboc River.
Man-Made Forest
(Bilar) – Feel the coolness of the air and view the awesome display
of thousands of Mahogany Trees painstakingly planted by the local people.
Chocolate Hills
(Carmen) – Feast your eyes on the breathtaking work of nature, one
thousand two hundred sixty eight (1,268) haycock hills which turn brown
during the dry season. These has been considered as one of the wonders of the world.
Loboc-Loay River Cruise
(Loboc) – View the majestic panorama of the Nipa Palm Plantation
along the Loboc - Loay River. Sometimes wild ducks are seen feeding and
swimming on the river. While cruising, lunch is being served on board.
簡介 |
Blood Compact Site
菲律賓早期歷史重要見證;當年西班牙征服者雷加斯比(Miguel Lopez de Legaspi)
在這裏和當地各酋長Sikatuna滴血結盟,兩國淵緣從此展開。 |
Baclayon Church
現在內部還留有一些當時的遺物。 |
Loay Backyard Industry
當地人民自西班牙時代已將這種精雕細琢鑄鐵工藝爲主要工業。現時所出產之利刀是以用作各類砍伐及切割用途。 |
Clarin Ancestral House
國家認可西班牙時代之歷史保護遺址 - 建於1840年。Clarin乃西班牙時代叱吒一時兼受當地人民崇敬的官員。Clarin
House內,包括辦工房及日常生活之所有擺設都代表濃厚西班牙色彩。 |
眼鏡猴全身赤色多毛﹐只有四吋半﹐其尾巴長十吋﹐性情溫馴,被認爲是全世界最小的猴種。眼鏡猴爲受保護的動物﹐並且禁止獵捕。有些人士特地到該省購買眼鏡猴﹐因爲買家們相信這種猴子的骨頭可當做藥來治病﹐因此獵捕眼鏡猴也就成了該省少數民族的巨大收入。這種眼鏡猴以食昆蟲﹑蜥蜴及小鳥爲生。他們的眼睛特別大並且突出﹐是哺乳動物中最大的之一。牠們的頭可旋轉一百八十度﹐牠們一般住在熱帶雨林的草叢﹑竹林及小樹上聚居。 |
Man-Made Forrest
當地政府於60年代的植林計劃。當年括出總面積約860畝地,現今已怖滿成千上萬而茂盛之紅木林。 |
Chocolate Hills
保和島上最有名景點 - 朱古力山(CHOCOLATE
HILLS)這是菲律賓境內除了馬熔火山(Mayon Volcano)之外最值得一遊的天然景觀。1,268 個於數佰萬年前由海底珊瑚積聚而成之小山丘,每逢雨季
,山上滿布綠草,旱季時則變成一片茶色,所以命名爲朱古力山。 在朱古力山中最高的山丘上設有瞭望台,從這裏可以觀賞山丘全景。 瞭望台下面有山頂小屋(Hill-top
cottage),可以在這裏用餐;這裏並有小的游泳池。 |
Loboc-Loay River Cruise
Loboc River意思是常淹水的河,過去西班牙殖民時代就在此建了教堂以方便側量水位,古老的教堂目前還佇立河邊,庇佑著靠天吃飯的居民,乘著螃蟹船遊河時,翠綠的河水,將雙腳泡在河裏,彷佛做了一種另類Spa,沿岸許多小孩更熱情的從樹上躍下,展現熟練的跳水特技,也有一家人就在河邊和樂融融的玩水。 |
Trip Inclusions:
- All Entrance Fees
- Air-con Land Transfers
- River Cruise
- Tour Guide
- Lunch on board
- Tour Departure 08:00 A.M.
Dolphin and Whale Watching Tour and Bohol Countryside Tour
(Whole Day Tour with Lunch)
Time |
Activity |
05:30 |
Pick up at the hotel |
06:00 |
Departure from Baclayon Pier |
07:00 |
Arrive at the playground of whales and dolphins.
Search for and watching of whales and dolphins |
10:00 |
Proceed to Pamilacan Island |
11:00 |
Travel to Loay for River Cruise |
12:00 |
Enjoy your lunch on board the floating restaurant |
01:00 |
Disembark and see the Tarsiers |
01:30 |
Proceed to Chocolate Hills |
02:30 |
Travel back to Baclayon Pier |
04:30 |
Arrive at the hotel |
Trip Inclusions:
- Air-con Land Transfers
- All Entrance Fees
- River Cruise
- Lunch on Board
- Tour Guide
- Boat Transfers
- Spotters Fee
- Whale and Dolphin Watching
- Island Tour
Tour Package Rates (Quoted in HK$)
Number of Persons |
Package 1 |
Package 2 |
Package 3 |
Package 4 |
1 |
470 |
620 |
550 |
870 |
2 ~ 3 |
310 |
410 |
330 |
540 |
4 ~ 6 |
230 |
320 |
280 |
430 |
7 ~ 9 |
220 |
270 |
240 |
420 |
算是亞洲潛水活動的發源地,在這裡全國有 7,107
Puntod Wall (海中教堂)
及巨型的海綿跟海扇。這裡是絕佳的海洋放流 潛點
這個潛點的另外一個特色是,當你下潛到 30-35米(90-105
呎)的深度時順著斷層你將會發現這個點的另一個著名特色"海底花園"你將會發現許多的鯊魚及海縵魚遊戲穿梭於花園之間,當然其他的精采魚種也不會缺席。此點的深度較大在這裡潛水時請注意自己的潛水深度及減壓時間,除此之外這裡將會是你體驗潛水運動的絕佳地點。 |
Pamilacan (海龜點)
20-25 米(60-75
般大"的海龜剛好游出它的洞穴。但同時也提醒您切勿去碰觸或侵犯這裡的海龜。當你在等待的時候或許你可以欣賞週遭的海洋生物或者斷層上的珊瑚,海扇及洞穴裡得其他海中生物當然這裡的海星也是種類繁多聞名於世的你可不要輕易的放棄這個絕佳的欣賞機會喔。 |
Slope / Black Forest
The Northeast of Balicasag
Island 4 miles southwest of Panglao Island . Average Depth: 65 ft
Maximum Depth: 130 ft The island is 35 minutes from Alona Beach by
banca, southwest of Doljo Point. Normally calm with strong current, but
can get really rough with fierce currents. Visibility can reach 130
This is a deep sandy slope
from the beach to 130 ft plus, with coral heads, whip corals, soft
corals and gorgonian sea fans on the sand, until you get down to below
100 ft where you'll find a forest of black corals. The deeper waters
have large groupers, Napoleon Wrasse, barracuda, tuna, batfish and
snappers. The shallow waters have garden eels, moray eels, titans and
orange striped triggerfish, schools of surgeonfish, moorish idols,
bannerfish and jacks, Emperor and Royal Angelfish, and pufferfish.

Southwest Wall / Rudy's Rock
The Southwest wall of Balicasag Island , Southwest of Panglao Island.
Average Depth: 50 ft, Maximum Depth: 165 ft .
Rudy's rock is a continuation of Rico's Wall and much the same, except
that large Green Turtles are often seen here. Huge schools of Big Eye
Trevally can be frequently found swimming amongst sweetlips. They will
circle you for several minutes before becoming bored.
Rico's Wall and Rudy's Rock
– are both world-class dives.

Southwest Wall / Rico's Wall
The Southwest wall of Balicasag Island, Southwest of Panglao Island. Average
Depth: 50 ft Maximum Depth: 165 ft. Balicasag is 35 minutes by banca from Alona
Beach to the southwest of Doljo Point. Normally calm with variable currents, but
it can be rough and have fierce currents. Visibility can reach 130 feet.
Rico's Wall has a coral garden on a shelf from 23
ft to 36 ft, beyond is a wall that drops to 115 ft. The coral garden is rich in
soft, leathery and stony corals, hydroids, nudibranchs, sea stars, crinoids, all
the smaller reef fish, anemones and clownfish. Shoals of fusiliers, jacks,
snappers, moorish idols, anthias, chromis, pennantfish and bannerfish frequent
the reef edge and shallow waters.
The wall itself has
everything - small caves, overhangs and crevices with soldierfish, squirrelfish,
lionfish and moray eels. There are huge gorgonian sea fans, Elephant Ear
Sponges, barrel sponges and basket sponges and crinoids everywhere. Deeper down
there are larger groupers, Napoleon Wrasse, tuna and the occasional Grey or
Whitetip reef sharks. Barracuda and Rainbow Runners often appear out of the
At the eastern end, Rico's
Wall joins with Rudy's Rock. These are both world-class dives.
Pamilacan Island Northwest Side
14 miles east of Balicasag Island. 35 minutes by banca southwest of
Alona Beach. Average Depth: 65 f t , Maximum Depth: 100 ft plus . This
site is normally calm with medium to strong currents and visibility can
reach 130 feet.
Pamilacan translates as "nesting place of Manta Rays", these impressive
creatures are occasionally seen here. A good drift dive, the reef is a
sandy 45-degree slope with many coral heads, anemones with clownfish,
Napoleon Wrasse, schools of fusiliers, mackerel, barracuda, jacks and
dogtooth tuna. There are some good gorgonian sea fans, and flashlight
fish inhabit some of the crevices.
Cabilao Island is southwest of Pangangan Island, which is connected to
the west coast of Bohol by a causeway. It is directly east across the
Bohol Strait, from Argao to Cebu. Like Balicasag Island and Pescador
Island, Cabilao has some of the best diving in the Philippines and is
particularly noted for sightings of Hammerhead Sharks in the deeper
waters off the northwest point, an exciting dive for the more
experienced divers.
Arco Point (The Hole in the Wall)
Arco Point. 10 minutes by banca northeast of Alona Beach. Average Depth:
33 ft, Maximum Depth: 80 ft. This site is normally calm with little
current and visibility can reach 100 feet.
On a short wall where fish are regularly hand-fed there are small
groupers, wrasse, triggerfish, butterflyfish, moray eels, and sea
snakes. This site is sometimes called the "Hole in the Wall" because
there is a vertical funnel which you can enter at 60 ft and exit at 30
Just off Alona Beach. 5 minutes by banca from Alona Beach. Average
Depth: 33 ft, Maximum Depth: 65 ft . This site is normally calm with no
current and visibility can reach 80 feet.
Known as the "Happy Wall", this is a pleasant short wall from 10 ft to
65 ft, with soft, leathery and stony corals, some small gorgonian sea
fans, lots of small reef fish, small groupers and small barracuda.
Puntod Wall
Outer edge of Puntod Islet . Average Depth: 33 ft Maximum Depth: 65 ft .
Puntod Islet is 30 minutes west by banca from Alona Beach to the western
edge of the reef at the southwest end of Panglao Island. Normally dived
only in calm conditions, though there can be strong currents. Snorkelers
should have banca cover when the currents are running. Visibility can
reach 100 feet.
This beautiful coral garden sloped from 7
ft to 65 ft with good soft, leathery and stony corals with lots of small
fish, sea stars, and sea urchins, anemone with clownfish, angelfish,
butterflyfish, pufferfish and wrasse.
Balicasag Island Balicasag Island, 4 miles
southwest of Duljo Point, is a microcosm of some of the best diving in
the Philippines. On the south side, from the buoy outside Balicasag Dive
Resort, is a Marine Sanctuary that has been successfully protected.
Vertical walls over deep water in strong currents mean healthy corals
and good fish life with plenty of pelagic visitors. Hammerhead Sharks
and Whale Sharks have been seen here in December and January.
Cervera Shoal (Spaghetti Shoal)
9 & 1/2 miles east of Balicasag Island. 30 minutes by banca southeast of
Alona Beach. Average Depth: 50 ft. Maximum Depth: 200 ft plus.
This site is normally calm with currents
and visibility can reach 100 feet. Often called "Snake Island" because
it harbours several black-and-white banded sea snakes (hence the
spaghetti), this sunken island is a sea mount rising to 40 feet. It is
not too good for corals but recommended as a dive into the blue, with
lots of snakes and chance of seeing some large pelagic fish. Novices
should stay close to their Divemaster.
Northwest Point (Hammerhead Point)
Northwest point of Cabilao Island, by the lighthouse.
3 hours from Panglao Island. Average Depth:
100 ft , Maximum Depth: 130 ft plus This site is normally calm, even
during rain, with strong currents but can really get rough with fierce
currents. Visibility can reach 130 feet.
An interesting double
drop-off, first to 100 ft and then into deep water. With strong
currents, this dive is noted for small shoals of Hammerhead Sharks in
December and January. Grey and Whitetip Reef Sharks are common, as are
barracuda. There are lots of small gorgonian sea fans, large barrel
sponges covered with Alabaster Sea Cucumbers, Linckia Sea Stars and
crinoids. The numerous small shoals include fusiliers, jacks, moorish
idls, pennantfish, butterflyfish and sweetlips.
This dive has
everything, but most divers would particularly want to go deep hoping to
see Hammerhead Sharks, large groupers and large Napoleon Wrasse.

Cabilao Island - Southwest Point (Drifting North)
Southwest point of Cabilao Island. Average Depth: 100 ft , Maximum
Depth: 130 ft. This site is normally calm, even during rain, with strong
currents but can really get rough with fierce currents. Visibility can
reach 130 feet.
Drifting north with the current, you are
taken along a typhoon-damaged reef-top at 13 ft, from which a wall goes
down in two steps beyond 130 ft.
There are lots of
small gorgonian sea fans, large barrel sponges, smaller Elephant Ear
Sponges, basket sponges, good soft corals, whip corals and more fire
coral than is normal in the Philippines. Many varieties of nudibranchs
and colourful crinoids nestles between corals.
The reef is teeming
with angelfish, butterflyfish, chromis, anthias, needlefish, fusiliers,
soldierfish, squirrelfish, scorpionfish, lionfish, snappers, sweetlips,
moorish idols, and trumphetfish. Larger groupers and Napoleon wrasses in
deeper waters.

Cabilao Island - Southwest Point (Drifting South and East)
Southwest point of Cabilao Island. Average Depth: 65 ft , Maximum Depth:
130 ft plus . This site is normally calm, even during rain, with strong
currents but can really get rough with fierce currents. Visibility can
reach 130 feet.
From a typhoon-damaged reef-top at 13 ft, a
good wall drops to 130 ft plus. Huge gorgonian sea fans, lots of black
coral and Elephant Ear Sponges covered with Alabaster Sea Cucumbers,
together with profuse fish and invertebrate life, make this a fine dive.
There are many species of sea cucumbers and sea stars, anemones with
clownfish and the rare tube anemones.
download bohol brochure |